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Computational Science - Doctorate

Availability: Hattiesburg Options

Computation Takes Science Further

Graduate study in Computational Science combines the power of mathematics, physics and computer science. Merging the approaches of these disciplines produces results that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

Up to 40 teaching assistantships are available, ranging from $7,200 for 9 months to $24,000 for 12 months. Teaching assistantships include a full tuition waiver.

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3options: mathematics, physics, computer science
40assistantships available

Computational modeling in a variety of settings

Computational modeling applies to physical or mathematical models of the real world, including computer network systems and algorithms.

  • Numerical data analysis

  • Statistical data analysis

  • Visual data representation


A program that focuses on the study of scientific computing and its application. Includes instruction in scientific visualization, multi-scale analysis, grid generation, data analysis, applied mathematics, numerical algorithms, high performance parallel computing, and numerical modeling and simulation with applications in science, engineering and other disciplines in which computation plays an integral role.

The computational research activities in Physics focus on atomistic modeling of disordered solids and glasses using first principles density-functional calculations, applications of data-driven inverse and hybrid approaches based on computational intelligence, statistical mechanics of spin systems using Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, biomolecular simulations and the study of gene expressions in DNA molecules using physics-based algorithms, computational Ocean acoustics, and nuclear scattering theory.



Faculty Highlight: Dr. James Lambers

Advisor to the first and only SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) student chapter in Mississippi. Since 2014, the chapter has provided students from across the mathematical sciences with an outlet for networking activities, including tailgate parties, fundraisers, sponsorship of seminars, career panels, and trips to SIAM conferences for presenting student research. Dr. Lambers’ research connects to image processing and oil recovery and many of his students are funded by external fellowships.


Degree Plan Availability
Computational Science (Mathematics) PhDHattiesburg
Computational Science (Physics) PhDHattiesburg


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  • University teaching and research
  • Computer Science
  • National lab research and development
  • Shahram Rahimi, PhD 2001,
    Department Head and Professor, Mississippi State University
  • Isaac Akogwu, PhD 2017, 
    Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biodesign Institute (Arizona State University)
  • Guangming Yao, PhD 2010, 
    Associate Professor, Clarkson University
  • Mallika Dhar, PhD 2010, 
    Lecturer, East Tennessee State University
  • Charles Werneth, PhD 2010, 
    Research Physicist, NASA Langley
  • Amber Sumner, PhD 2018,
    Assistant Professor, William Carey University